Sunday, 10 March 2013

Negotiated Study Two: Test Animations

I've made a rough animation of the clot scene (The scene where plaque breaks off from the inside of the artery and the blood forms a clot around it causing a blockage, leading to the heart attack). It's a little jumpy and I need to create more frames as I feel it needs to be slowed down quite a bit but I feel that the overall movement is right.

I've also made another test animation for the lungs but here you can see a large portion of them rather than an extreme close up. I made the 4th - 5th frame wrong without knowing until I put it together on here and because of this the rest of the frames are wrong. This is a very timely error for me, especially as each frame took an average of 2 hours each. I will also be adding a frame inbetween each of these frames as I feel that it moves too fast to get an idea of the pacing I would like to achieve I have done 6 frames a second. Again overall the movement is how I would like it to be.

This video shows the error where you can see that the image jumps around.

And for this one I have left out the 1st 2nd and 3rd frames so you can have a clear idea of how it's meant to be

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