Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Negotiated Study Two: Colour Tests

I've been experimenting with how I will render my animation, I've come up with three different designs.

This is the first, where I painted the frames with watercolour paints

I was very happy with this, especially when I put all the frames together to make a quick test film, it felt like the heart was much more alive than when there wasn't any colour at all. The test animation...

I then decided to paint a frame digitally to see what effect I would get from that. I wasn't very happy with the outcome and it took way to long to do. 

So I revisited the watercolour frames that I had done and remember a tutor saying about maybe inverting the image. To get the paint to stay blue I had to change the hue to orange-yellow first and then inverted the image. I was really pleased with this, not only was it visually interesting but it also gave the feel of an Xray, which I loved. And because its dark it also could suggest the feeling of being inside the body. 

I then made a test animation to make sure that it looked ok when in motion.

I'm really happy with the outcome of this and will definitely be using it as the style for the final aimation

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Negotiated Study Two: Test Animations

I've made a rough animation of the clot scene (The scene where plaque breaks off from the inside of the artery and the blood forms a clot around it causing a blockage, leading to the heart attack). It's a little jumpy and I need to create more frames as I feel it needs to be slowed down quite a bit but I feel that the overall movement is right.

I've also made another test animation for the lungs but here you can see a large portion of them rather than an extreme close up. I made the 4th - 5th frame wrong without knowing until I put it together on here and because of this the rest of the frames are wrong. This is a very timely error for me, especially as each frame took an average of 2 hours each. I will also be adding a frame inbetween each of these frames as I feel that it moves too fast to get an idea of the pacing I would like to achieve I have done 6 frames a second. Again overall the movement is how I would like it to be.

This video shows the error where you can see that the image jumps around.

And for this one I have left out the 1st 2nd and 3rd frames so you can have a clear idea of how it's meant to be