Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Negotiated Study One: The Final Animatic

From the storyboard I created I then went on and created an animatic. 

I feel that this animatic goes on for too long, it would be better  to be 3 minutes long instead of 5 and so I may have to review it and try to cut some out. 
I also made the soundtrack to get some sort of idea as to how the images may go with music, I will be contacting the music department here at university to see if they can create something much better for me. I'm not happy for it to be the final one and as the soundtrack plays an important part of the animation I would prefer to have something really good. 
I feel that I've tried to create something much too complicated and so many things I planned to add into it like every day colds and common illnesses have been left out. Also animating the whole life of the body in 3 minutes, or even 5 may have been way to ambitious, and so I may have to review this too. I feel that it may have been more effective if made simpler by animating one of the systems, for example the heart and the circulatory system or the digestive system.

When animating the final film I plan to make it much looser than this animatic, organs will stretch and change shape to suit what is happening inside them, like they normally would and the movements will be much more detailed. This will make it much more interesting to watch. 

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