This is my continuation of exploring the different styles of the systems.
These are my decided colour schemes for each of the systems
After cutting out inspiration from the magazines it started my ideas flowing...
The Circulatory System
Here I have simplified the pattern and completed the circuit. I'm really happy with this so far.
And this is further development of the design on a much bigger piece of paper. I really like this design, I'm hoping to get some feedback and unless something is suggested I'm pretty sure that this will be my final design. The top rounded bit is where the blood goes up to the lungs and the blood is oxygenated, and then the bottom half is where it is spreading around the body and losing oxygen to return to the heart.
The Respiratory System
I've decided that the hung towel design will be my final one, unless again that I get feedback and something is suggested!
The Digestive System
For the digestive system I explored the various shapes and patterns from the magazine inspiration.
The top bit represents the mouth, the chamber underneath is the stomach, then the small intestines into the large intestines and out at the bottom.
This is the design that I was most happy with and so is looking to be my final design.
The Nervous System
I can't imagine this fitting in with the other systems and it doesn't really represent this system particularly well. There's also too much formation.
This reminds me of a computer circuit. I feel that the lines are too close together and need to be more spread out.
This is better but I feel like the circulatory system it needs to branch out, which this one doesn't.
This idea is much better, it branches out and isn't in a strict formation, it seems more natural and flows better. I really like this.
This just isn't working for me, I much preferred when it was just the round ball, it worked much better then. So I experimented a little with the round ball..
I tried a big ball with lots of little circles but I still didn't like it as much as the first ball that I drew. I felt that it is too complex and has too much going on, it also felt flatter than the first which was another element I didn't like. So I went back to my first ball drawing and drew it out bigger with a few little improvements. I exaggerated the different sizes of the circles more making the middle ones much bigger than the outer ones, this gives the illusion of being round. I also made the spikes a tiny bit longer, I may try to recreate this digitally with perfect circles and make them knitted closer together so that it will be easier to see the electronic signals when animated.
Overall I'm really happy with what I've come up with so far, there's much more to explore and research and I feel plenty of room to try and develop these further, or you never know I may just stick with them!
Next I will be researching abstract animations to gain some insight on more styles, compositions and layouts within abstract animations and just some overall inspiration.
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