Friday, 14 September 2012

Negotiated Study One: System Styles

The Digestive System

The Respiratory System

The Circulatory System

The Nervous System

Negotiated Study One: Basic Story Ideas

The next thing I decided to look at after doing all of the research was the story line, even if it started off really basic. So I looked at the different systems and visually noted how they functioned

Here you can see that the heart is in the middle, the right side pumps the de-oxygenated blood into the lungs where 'medically' they turn from blue to red. It then goes back into the left side of the heart where it is then circulated around the body where it eventually turns back to blue and returns to the right side of the heart. See the notes below where I was thinking about what colours I could use to represent the blood.

In my previous post I looked at common ways for each system to go wrong to determine how the body in my film may die, this proved to give too many different possibilities! So I decided to look at the three most common ways that people in Britain die.

And so here is the first very rough storyboard.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Negotiated Study One

For our last year we have been given the option of creating one big film or two smaller ones. Before we go back to uni we have been asked to start this project by generating ideas, to research the ideas in depth, produce story boards, character sheets, design sheets experimenting with styles and moodboards that show colour and atmosphere, photography etc. So when we rturn we can negotiate with our tutors with our ideas. 

My Idea

I've decided to take inspiration from my old A Level art work for this project, to go a bit experimental and take myself away from the whole idea of telling a story with characters. For my art A level I explored the subject of 'abstract' where I took normal everyday objects and distorted them, often turning them into simple lines and shapes or a series of shapes. My main inspiration for this was from Wassily Kandinsky's work, he found inspiration for his pieces from music.

Here is an example of his work


And here are a couple of pieces that I created

Not only do I like the idea of taking inspiration from the abstract theme but also of the materials I used to create my pieces, often charcoal, chalk and watercolours. And so I may explore this when it comes to experimenting with styles. 

The Subject Matter

I often watch documentaries on nature and find it very interesting, however one series in particular fascinates me. It's a BBC documentary called 'Inside the Human Body' where Michael Mosley 'reveals the ingenious inner workings of your body'. From this I have decided that I would like to do something on the human body and life itself, and so I opened my sketch book and this is where it took me...

So then I tried the idea of simple shapes etc with the circulatory system

I was quite happy with this, it was a good basis but from doing this I realised that I didn't have enough knowledge myself of the different systems to carry on experimenting with how it may look or how I would represent each system, and so I went on to do a whole load of research.

Art student...or Biology student?

My thoughts after...

In the Beginning

After my system research I thought I would have a look into the beginning of life to see in which order the systems are introduced and will be introduced in my animation. 

In the End